Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

Anesthesia before 'Removal'

There is magic in the power of family.
They are the best medicine to alleviate pain and to soothe and distract.
This is what all these wonderful faces do for me at the onset of ensuing 'pain'.
Im so grateful that I can wrap myself with those I love.
And feel fully of their love and support, and their excitement for the change of dynamics in our home.
Some have traveled from afar.
They've come to our side, to share in this bitter-sweet moment. Empathy is a marvelous thing.
Some are fairly glowing with the 'changes' that are occurring in their own lives.
Some have come for the cool water and the camaraderie of cousins as well.
And pizza is always a good 'fix' for the pains that ail us!!!
Its the smiles that get me through.

Or this guy!!! te he te he


Jules said...

We sure do love you guys. What a wonderful weekend with family. Good luck this week. You can be sure you're in our thoughts (excited ones) and prayers!

Chelsea said...

I'm stealing a few of these pics...they are just too cute!!!!
It's been so nice to see everyone!

Linda said...


Pam Hill said...

Gosh, I really missed the party, didn't I? Glad I got to be there for some family time.