Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
I yearn for mountains,or at least for the gentle ridges..
the sweet folds and furrows that offer the 
refreshment of a new vista as each gap or summit is obtained.
from: March
by: Geraldine Brooks

First week back to hiking:
10. 5 miles the first day!! I did it!! Confidence
17 varieties of wildflowers! The desert is amazing!! Joy
Baby horny toad. The desert is alive!! Childlike glee
Turtle tracks in the sand. Mystery and promise
Unfamiliar trail. Wonder
Sunburn to tan. Happiness and wrinkles
85 degree average temps. Sweat and glow
Keens working as they're intended. Satisfaction
Sweat.  Shedding Logan pounds.
New hiking friends. The world is a beautiful place.

Piano rock-check
Partial East Rim- partial check.
Wind and rain- check

Not bad for my first week back.
Gathering coral dust between my toes once again.

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