Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
What God asks of men, said Graham, is faith.
His invisibility is the truest test of that faith.
To know who sees him, God makes himself unseen.
quote: Billy Graham
from: Unbroken
by: Laura Hillenbrand

My new friend Tami and I went on another 20 miler bike ride this morning.  While my old friends in St George are hiking Orderville Canyon in Zion this morning...I just had to get out and distract myself from the ache of not being there with them and hiking down one of God's greatest creations. God, water, time and red sandstone= Orderville Canyon.
Tami, two wheels and a beautiful valley = a descent distraction and a good time and work out.  We had to pedal to Walmart first to buy me a bike helmet...on My Builders insistence.  I was very tempted to take home the pink one with the brilliant Mohawk!!  Dont you think I could have made a real statement with this one!!!??
We pedaled up and down hills and felt that wonderful familiar burn in the leg muscles. We stopped and took pictures of the darling homes, and we pulled over at a fruit stand and bought a fresh, juicy peach as our reward for a good ride!  And on the way home we stopped in at Great Harvest and sampled their free bread! A pretty darn good morning I'd say.  Didnt think about Zion once.

And just so you know...I've been Relief Society Prez for less than 24 hours...and the bishop calls last night and informs me that there's been a death in the ward.  Here we go!!!


1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh, Cindy! Love the bike ride, but hate the new stress you'll be tackling. All I can say is DELEGATE, DELEGATE, DELEGATE! Good luck, friend!