Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
None of us comes to this earth to gain our worth; 
we bring it with us!
-Sheri Dew

is for Individual Worth....

Watching our favorite Christmas classic will do it...
Working with the Young Women will do it..
Walking with people from all over the country, from all walks of life will bring it too.

Some of us need a reminder of other people's worth, and sometimes we need to be reminded of our own worth. The former requires living the Golden Rule.  (it seems like nobody ever talks about the Golden Rule anymore. Why is that?!  Soon there may be a whole generation that doesnt know what it is....To Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You.)   
Both requires a knowledge of who you are, what is our purpose, and where the heck are we going!?
I think  knowing that each of us is a beloved child of God, made in His image, naturally has us step up to the plate.
Practicing the Golden Rule and learning just who you are in the grand scheme of things, are both difficult lessons to learn.  Even now I am repenting for what I wrote about some unnamed guests  we had a few weeks ago.  I had no right to judge them so harshly.  God loves them as much as He loves me.  I will attempt to never do that again.

Teaching sensitive Young Women of their individual worth is my main focus in life right now.  And its no easy task.  Life for teenagers is fairly brutal these days. Maybe it has been for eons of time...I dont know.  I do know that if given a chance to go back and do teenagedom again....I wouldnt touch it with a ten foot pole!!  For some reason the stakes seem higher these days for our youth.

My Christmas wish this year is that all of us could KNOW and remember and believe what the below quote is saying to each of us...especially to the women of the world, about our power, influence and possibilities in this life.  This is what an apostle of the Lord has to say about our worth!

"Every [person] who stands for truth and righteousness diminishes the influence of evil.  Every woman who strengthens and protect her family is doing the work of God.  Every woman who lives as a woman of God becomes a beacon for others to follow and plants seeds of righteous influence that will be harvested for decades to come."  -M. Russell Ballard

I want "my girls" to know that they each mean the world to me.  That I will love them no matter what. That I love them when its easy to love them and I love them when its not so easy.  And I love them because- they each have unique talents and gifts from God to share with the world.  I love them for the challenge it is to learning who they are and envisioning their possibilities.  I love them because I have been blessed with "spiritual eyes" to see that they truly are children of our Heavenly Father who loves them with perfect love.  I love them because Im supposed to...a blessing that comes with the 'calling.' My heart has been opened to receive them and to try and give them what they need.  I love them because I serve them.

My wish making continues...
that none of us have to stand percariously on the edge of certain death,on a cold, deserted bridge,  before we learn of our great worth.  That we can all come to know of our worth to others and of our own great worth to God and ourselves.   And that we may all take some time to learn of our purposes here and to embrace our gifts and talents  which we have been gifted, and go and do!!  Remembering  our Heavenly Heritage will take us a long way towards a healthy self esteem dont ya think!!!?

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;
and before  thou camest forth out of the womb
I sanctified thee...
Jeremiah 1:5

I know I treat people differently and am kinder to myself when I remember that I was loved and cherished before  I even came here to live and learn.  And knowing that you were there with me makes it sweeter still!!!

Remember, The worth of souls is great in the sight of God!!!
And your dear soul counts!!!

If you'd like to hear a silly song on the Golden Rule, go Here.


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