Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

There is not room enough on the
mountains...that you should covet
that which is but the drop, and
neglect the more weightier matters?
from: Doctrine & Covenants 117:8

There is no wiser a women in all of my family than my dear and lovely sister in law! Im not sure how my brother rated such a fine lady.
..(he is just my little punk brother ya know) but he did good!!
Debbie really does seem to always have her head and her heart on the 'weighter' matter of this life. I look to her for wisdom and light. She always has the perfect answers to lifes questions, and not only that, she conveys them in such a simple and dignified manner. She can rattle off doctrine to a 10 year old or an 80 year old and make it seem like manna to the soul. She can give counsel without it feeling like counsel. One always walks away from a visit with Debbie feeling better and wiser for the experience. Oh how I wish they lived closer. I could learn so much from this 'sister' of mine!!!

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