Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
The moon had risen higher, and
floating in the Sound, was a
triangle of silver scales,
trembling a little to the stiff,
tinny drip of the banjos on the lawn.
from: The Great Gatsby
by: F.Scott Fitzgerald

(melonie, anna, stephenie)

I have been anything but calm and peaceful of late. And a lot of things are suffering because of it. This blog is just one of the many things that are languishing from neglect and the distractions.
And once again, I have been saved by grace.
My dear, dear niece was here for the long weekend. So I was able to hug her and wish her a very happy birthday to her beautiful face. But....had she not been here....I would have spaced her very important day. Her 24th birthday!!!
I love her!!
I admire her!!
I relish our visits, and wish they happened more frequently!!!
The inner beauty of this woman matches the outer radiance of her countenance!!
Blessed and lucky are those that know and love her!!!
I wish her all the best and beg her forgiveness for my tardiness in my public salutations to her!!!??
May this 24th year be the best one yet!!!

1 comment:

PC Ehlert Family News said...

Happy Birthday Stephanie...we love you!! Thanks Cindy for your kind words to a beloved daughter. You are good to our egos!