Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon


“Isnt it splendid to think of all the things there
Are to find out about? It just makes me feel
Glad to be alive….its such an interesting world.
It wouldn’t be half so interesting if we know all
About everything, would it? There’d be no scope
For imagination then, would there?”
From: Anne of Green Gables
By: Lucy Montgomery

This month will probably be all about getting ready for Annas return!! And…trying to get Sister Anna ready for her return to the world. Much to her chagrin, she does have to come home. She will be released from her full time mission. And once again, my wise Builder has words of wisdom for her that I think will help her come to terms with the transition. He has reminded us that Heavenly Father WANTS Anna to begin the next step in her life!! Shes not meant to be a full time missionary, forever. Shes not required to knock on doors or bike in a skirt, or sacrifice contact with her family, or wear a dress 24/7, or always be paired up with another female missionary. She’ll have to learn to be in the world but not of the world and not have the necessity to scrimp on everything or to be so single minded. This daughter of ours has fulfilled her calling with so much nobility, and ever so valiantly!! She has done her full time allotment in helping to tell the world about the Gospel of Jesus Christ!! She has stood as a witness of our Savior, just as HE told his apostles of old to do- “….And ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Acts 1:8
She is dreading the absence of the missionary mantle that she has held so intimately on her shoulders for the last 19 months. The Spirit has been her sweet companion for so long now. Shes afraid of what the real world will do to her susceptibility to Its promptings. (you and I both know shes going to be just fine, but can also relate to her fears!!)
But it is now time for her to switch to the next adventure in her life, and to have her attack it with the same intensity as these last 19 months. And what with the great educations and experience she has acquired on her mission, she will be READY for whatever comes next!! The world will be hers to do with as she wishes. When she returns- she will pray fervently for her friends and converts and potential converts in Texas. She will pray heartily that missionary work will be successful for her brother and cousins. She will pray that the doors of nations will open to missionaries. She will undoubtedly also be praying that she will continue in the enthusiasm and commitment to then become the best member missionary right here in her own back yard. She’ll pray for continued courage to personally testify using the powerful ‘tools’ she acquired in Texas. And what will result….? We slugs, (comparatively speaking ) will undoubtedly feel her spirit and be touched by it, be affected by it, and be influenced by her righteous desires!! How blessed we’ll be for it. Together we will come to know with a more sure conviction, just what Brigham Young said, “ This kingdom will continue to increase and to grow, to spread and to prosper more and more. Every time its enemies undertake to overthrow it, it will become more extensive and powerful; instead of decreasing it will continue to increase; it will spread the more, become more wonderful and conspicuous to the nations, until it fills the whole earth.”
Anna feels the urgency of this great work…down to her darling little toes. She can feel the hastening of the pace. People are joining the fold of Christ!!! She has been personally witnessing the joy and peace that this change brings to people-firsthand!! We can all understand how hard it will be for her to give this up and move on. She WILL need our prayerS and patience and encouragement-to be sure!!! She wont be who she used to be. She is new, she is improved, and she’ll be a mighty force for good and will bring us all much joy!!! How blessed we are to call her daughter, sister, and friend!! WE LOVE HER!!!!


ChristyLou said...

Transitions can be so tough. We'll keep her in our thoughts and prayers and I know the Lord will help all of you through the adjustments coming your way! How exciting that she'll be home soon!!

Chelsea said...

i can't believe it's here...she's almost home!!! I can imagine what she might be feeling, but I don't know anything about what she's feeling. I do know that she will have so much support and she's learned so much to lead her in the right direction! We love her!!! can't wait to see her again!!!! :)