Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

BEST Whole Wheat Pancakes

Whole Wheat Blender Pancakes

4 Servings

Pour into blender:
3/4 cup whole wheat kernels
1 cup milk
pinch of salt

Blend for 5 minutes (timing is important)
2 eggs
1/3 cup oil

Blend a minute more.
2tsp. baking powder

Blend 1 minute

(add any fruit or nuts you desire. ie-an over ripe banana)
Pour a small amount onto medium-hot buttered pan, turning when bubbles begin to pop.

1 comment:

Jules said...

I'll have to try those. I've been trying to eat healthier first I felt like I was starving, but now my body seems to be thanking me. I feel a lot better throughout the day, and when I ate a small blizzard today at Dairy Queen as my indulgence for the day I was SO sick after. Anyway, those pancakes look DELICIOUS!

I didn't know Baxter died. That sweet pup will be missed!

Oh, and I love the new look of your blog!!