Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
Jick, when people fall in love the way we did, its...I dont mean this
like it sounds, but its like being sick.  Sick in a wonderful way, if you
can imagine that.  The feeling is in you just all the time, is what I 
mean.  It takes you over.  No matter what you do, what you try
to think about, the other person is there in your head.  Or your
blood, however you want to say it. " It's,"  she shrugged at the
impossible again..."there's no describing it beyond that." 
from: English Creek
by: Ivan Doig

Last week I learned how hard it is for me to keep a secret!!!
I'd rather eat nails than have to to that again!!

 But now its now totally official!!! Clark asked Jenna to marry him...AND SHE SAID YES!!!
 A beautiful girl from Chicago came to BYU and caught my Sparks eye...
A reluctant young man found himself at he could find the coolest girl there...
and now they're going to make history....together.  

 We are so pleased and excited for the two of them..that they found one another and that they seem to us to be the perfect match!  Each of them have so much to offer the other. Heaven played a hand in this one!! We are so, so grateful!
 And now we have another joyous celebration and marriage to look forward to in December!! A bright spot in what I fear will be a cold and dismal winter... away from St George.

Congratulations you two!!  The future is yours!  And we get to watch and reap the rewards!!  We are so proud of the two of you!!  And couldnt love you more!!


Toodles said...

Congratulations Cindy!!! They are a darling couple! :)

Mikele Rumbaugh said...

Yay!!! I'm so happy for them!!!!!! They are so cute together, it makes me die a little inside. Love them and love you!

Lisa said...

Congrats to the Stephenson family! Clark and Jenna are perfect for each other. Lots of love from us!