Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
...there is more than one eternal will on the universe--
indeed, an infinity o f such of such will or autonomous
intelligence's--we have cut the thread that supposes God
can "do anything." In all-important way even He, the
greatest of all, can only do with us what we will permit
Him to do.
Our center selves can agree or disagree, assent or resent,
cooperate or oppose. To say, as the scriptures do, that
God has all power and that He is almighty and that with Him
all things are possible is to say that He has all the power
and might it is possible to have in this universe of multiple selves.
from: Human Anguish and Divine Love
by: Truman Madsen

Small Gods

A Novel Of Discworld

Brutha, a simple man leading a quiet life tending his garden, finds his life irrevocably changed when his god, speaking to him through a tortoise, sends him on a mission of peace.

Its been a while since I've read a Sci-fi/fantasy book. 
But I found a list which intrigues me. 
What I  liked the most is  that the list has many books on it that I have already read...
it makes going through the list a lot easier.

Of wouldnt be wrong in surmising that my eye was drawn to this book by its cover.
And then in reading the review  cinched it....  I would go to the library to find a copy and read it.  
I was not disappointed.
I have never read anything by Terry Pratchett.  I did some reading about him...and find that readers fing him very gifted and is highly regarded as a humorist too.  This is so true!!!
Here we have a clever and humorous tale of a small god...who found himself in the body of a tortoise.  
I dont do spoilers...but know that this is a clever examination of religion, faith vs. blind faith, fundamentalism, all done with intelligence  and not in the least bit preachy.  Its philosophical without being at all boring. Its a surprising easy and fast read which moves swiftly along through some wondrous adventures as Brutha and Om learn what it means to be human and godlike. 
I LOVE the characters- Brutha the protagonist...the slow witted monk who is the only one who can hear Om..the small god.
Om...the tortoise  who is deity and ever so impatient and grouchy in his turtle body.
Vorbis..the villain... villainous to perfection w/o having to be Stephen King like.

I suppose some would say its an irreverent look at religion...
I found it thought provoking and enlightening and I was not in the least bit threatened in my beliefs and practices.  

What I learned:
In this get what you give and dont fight evil with evil.

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