Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

LOOKING FOR Gemuetlich!!!

The world is indeed full of peril and in it
there are many dark places. But still there
is much that is fair. And though in all lands,
love is now mingled with grief,
it still grows, perhaps, the greater.
from: The Fellowship of the Ring
by: J.R.R. Tolkien


When the wine is fine...or the sparkling cider...and the company is perfect, and the dress looks fabulous; when the candlelight is divine and the conversation is easy; when the temperture of the room is right on and all the stars are aligned...then you have Gemuetlich!!!
When the shoes are comfortable, with no hotspots to torment, and the views are endless; when the wicking shirt is wicking, and the sage is aromatic and the endorphin's are running;  when the company is endearing...then you have Gemuetlich!!!
The perfect party or the perfect hike can be described as Gemuetlich.
And since I rarely attend fancy dinner parties, I relate better to my hiking analogy.
I believe Nature is the perfect conduit  to the feelings of Gemuetlich.
Getting away from the stresses of the world..for a while.  Leaving cares at the van.  Leaving worries balancing beautifully on the carins of the trails.  Not worrying about what you look like...just wondering if you can make it to the top of the next peak...these are the perfect ingredients to having Gemuetlich.
Hiking is a social event...with some rare exceptions.  Hiking alone is not recommended.  Hiking with friends and new acquaintances  is very desirable.  Somewhere along the trail people begin to let their hair down...and revel in the moment.  Hikers always learn something about themselves along the way.
I can attest to Gemuetlich while hiking.
I've witnessed it more times than I can count.
How else do you imagine that I would pick up a word like Gemuetlich? This perfect word...that can only be said in German. We have no single word to describe so much perfection coming together at one time.  (we over use the word bliss)  Last week when Jorge was trying to describe how he was feeling after 2 weeks of extreme hiking...he came up with this word. God bless dear Jorge.  God bless this amazing world in which we live.

When have you felt Gemuetlich?

G could have been for "George"...until I learned that he spelled it with an J. drat!  You will probably be hearing more about Jorge here soon.  What an amazing man!!!
G could also have been for Guffaw!  I look like a wild, laughing hyena ...but at the same time I look gemuetlish. 

Jorge wrote out the definition for me:
cozy, pleasant, relaxing, basically a situation/feeling of happiness


Unknown said...

Gemuetlish post my dear!

Bobby said...

cozy, pleasant, relaxing, basically a situation/feeling of happiness...thanks for that feeling! You are a great writer and weaver of words. Love you