Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
To fear is one thing. To let fear grab you by
 the tail and swing you around is another. 
 from: Jacob Have I Loved
by: Katherine Paterson

I can count on one hand the number of 'ghost stories' I've ever read.
I really cant recall a one...except for the few I read a LONG time ago in jr. high and high school.  Back then, when I didnt know any better, I read The Exorcist and The Omen and some others; and they creeped even then. Even now I dont read Stephen King or Anne Rice. So its sort of a mystery to me how this book got on my reading list.  This month it rose to the top of the list and there it was on the library I brought it home to read.
Im a little uncomfortable with stories like these...but I guess thats the point of ghost stories.  This story is not the typical spooky story.  And since I dont like spoilers...I wont say more than to point out that there are no ghosts, and the "haunted" house is not an old dilapidated home, in fact, the book starts out as the architect and neighbors plan for the houses' construction.
I dont do scary movies either-very rarely. (Who can remember watching Rosemary's Baby way back when!!? )

For me, Anne Rivers Siddons, wove  a scary story.
It was a new experience for me.
The book is far from great literature...(I dont think I gleened a quote or passage from its pages.) but my skin crawled and I was a bit horrified with some scenes.
You may or may not throw the book across the room at its conclusion...but you will have discovered that a 'haunting' can affect you and others in unimaginable ways!!
3 1/2 stars from me.

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