Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
You pray in your distress and in
you need; would that you might
pray also in the fullness of your
joy and in the days of your abundance.
from: The Prophet
by: Kahil Gilbran

It doesnt matter that the quality isnt great!! I just had to share with all of you the picture that came in on my phone last night!!! Thats right...all you techo illiterates such as can be sent over the airwaves to my phone, then to my email..then to my blog!!! Remarkable!!!
ITs a classic pic of my boy. Just a pic, no text, no message, just his smiling face-trying not to rub it in...but never-the-less rubbing it in very nicely...that hes by the beach and I am not!!! That he is blissfully happy doing what hes doing...and so...I am blissfully happy because he is!!


Pam Hill said...

He does look blissfully happy. Cute.

ChristyLou said...

What a mischievous look! I'm so glad he's happy.