Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
There is nothing like a doorbell to precipitate the
potential into the kinetic. When you stand outside a
door and push the button, something has to happen.
Someone must respond; whatever is inside must be reveled.
Questions will be answered, uncertainties or mysteries
dispelled. A situation will be started on its way through
unknown complications to an unpredictable conclusion.
from: Crossing to Safety
by: Wallace Stegner

For more months than I can count, My Builder has been delving into the unknown regions of web building. Thats the simplistic explanation.
Recently My Builder has hooked up with Anna's man, and together they have developed a whole web site and an e-book and a whole lot of other stuff that I know nothing about, which has just now "gone public."
David is the brains behind all things rabbit...and much, much more of course...
and my Builder is the "builder" of websites....
and now my contribution is to help get the word out that there is now a wonderful resource on rabbits and their food.
So go check it out!!
copy and paste this web address in the tool bar and stand by to be impressed!!

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