Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

Sunday Ramblings

I've got nothing to do today but smile.
-Simon & Garfunkel

This new job of church...has caused me to reflect a great deal on how we can contribute to the Lord's kingdom.
Wherefore be not weary in well doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
D&C 64:33
I may not be weary...but I sure do admit to be leery as to what it is that the Lord thinks I can do, add to, and learn from this daunting calling.
But in my next breath.. I have to say that in just a short month or so I have indeed learned a great deal. First and foremost, the Lord is in control. Imagine that. Im also learning that if I take one day at a time,
one activity at a time, (activities seem to take 1-2 hrs -piece of cake!)
one scheduled mtg at a time,
I may be able to pull this whole thing off.
baby steps Cindy

Minute To Win It!!!
Oreos turn up in the darndest places!!

Let me just say right off...these girls are AMAZING! They have made my transition into their lives seem easy. They are so accepting and have literally embraced me from the beginning. (I love the hugs!) They are quick with a smile and an encouraging word. I feel NO judgement from them! They are all sharper than the average Jane too!!! The youth of today are so much further along the path than I EVER was at that age.
I do have a list though. There are some random things Im finding hard to accomplish right now. Things that are pretty important. Like temple attendance. Regular temple attendance is hard for me to commit to. (I have to go in the morning; going later in the day-I fall asleep.)
Getting out to visit the girls I havent met yet-the ones that dont come to church-still needs to be done. (Am I shy or chicken or lazy?)
Acknowledging birthdays- (just ask my own kids how hard this is for me.)
Table centerpieces and decorations!!! Ack!!!!! (trivial I know, but it weighs on me)
Teaching (so painful)

SO!!!?? I wonder what I am good for....
Hopefully I believe what I preach...
that its in the 'small things'
dishing out unconditional love and acceptance
catching their 'vibes'
being led to choose amazing, talented counselors and advisors.
not sweating the small stuff
Can I say again how much I marvel at the perfect symphony of women the Lord has directed me to use in this calling. Remembering that I didnt know a soul or a thing about any woman in the ward...I now have 3 ladies that are such a pleasure to work with, that I should be pinched to be sure its true. I am dumbstruck at the wisdom and foresight the Lord had in each choice He had me make.
I have a lady that LOVEs to do cutesy!!
I have a lady that knows Personal Progress inside and out.
I have one that can holler and get everyones' attention.
I have one that has plenty of past experience with the girls
I have one that runs to the Temple for inspiration (no matter the time of day)
I have two that the girls are already familiar with and respect.

Working together, we may make a nearly perfect team. Even with a weak leader. Weak in that I havent a clue what Im doing.
Its wild and marvelous how things are working out. By small and heart-felt steps we hope to work our way into these girls' hearts, and serve them as best we can.
I just need to get crack'in at my list!!!
For I am not weary!!
Just distracted

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