Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
This week:

Im lov'in the Smell of: ANYTHING!!! After a week of not be able to smell a even the smell of the irrigation water showering the golf course is a welcomed odor; rain splashing on hot rocks, cars and the hottest of sidewalks; new books...ZNHA just published a new one and its a beaut!!! ; Scentsy...but I need a new flavor for my melting pot-any suggestions?

Im lov'in the Sight of: lightening making the clouds pop and glow in the night; Olive tettering on her fat little padded feet as she contemplates taking those first real steps; Rob's king snake; the owl that surprised us one morning as we hiked...he was enormous and stealthly silent; clean windows, even if they stay that way for only a few hours in a day; Logans golden locks are growing back, but...this time it looks as though he may have lost those heavenly curls. (I guess one wee soul can handle only so much perfection!!!); sunshine streaming into multiple rooms of our house- that didnt happen at the old place.

Im lov'in the Sound of: listening to Lachlan tell us about his soccer team-actual playing doesnt begin soon enough for that little guy; "we're pregnant!" from the kids; Sarah B?? new song; freeway noise at this house.

Im lov'in the Idea of: Anna and David up north, still blissfully newlywed; realizing it wont be too much longer before we can throw open the windows again at night; a happy wedding to attend up north;

Im lov'in the Taste of: not much-food has lost its savor since the cold.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Cindy, cute post! Okay, for the Scentsy, I have a grundle of ideas...tee hee! Right now, I'm burning Citrus Sun's yummy. Next month Scent of the Month is Maple Butter...again, good enough to eat. What can I order for you???? (You did ask!)