Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
Cecily knew that God could make
anybody think of anything, and
make it seem like a good idea.
It didnt take away any of their
freedom, for God to to use them
as an instrument of his will.
from: Hidden Empire
by: Orson Scott Card

Here we have a picture of Elder Stephenson and his new Mission President and his wife in Ventura, California. He's a happy man!!! And they seem happy to have him!!!! And we are THRILLed he is there!!! Almost as thrilled as he is!!!
Here's a picture Brian sent while in the MTC....I wont share with you what he said about the barber....Im just left wondering why a guy who works around young men and women, 24/7..and doesnt enjoy it....doesnt look for work elsewhere???

God blesss my dear Brian!! And all those who love and support him and are taking such good care of him in sunny California!!! He's grateful for the letters and the prayers!!!

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