Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
Time changes everything.
That's what people say.
Its not true.
Doing things changes things.
Not doing things leaves them exactly as they are.
from: HOUSE
Season 3

Can you tell Im missing someone?
A certain, tall, cool glass of water,
that made me laugh and feel proud.
(he still makes me
laugh and proud...but he's just too far away!!)
Everyday Im sending him my best thoughts
and wishes via the heavenly conduit that I use
so frequently.
But sometimes, ofttimes its just not enough!!
I want to ruffle his curly locks and look into his
baby blues!! I want to be able to provide for him
the things he needs, when he needs them!!
Will July ever get here!!??


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know the sooner he comes home means the sooner bri and justus will be gone.

shortly though all your chickies will have done their duty, and you'll have them all around somewhere.
