The key to good decision making is not
knowledge. It is understanding. We are
swimming in the former. We are
desperately lacking in the latter.
from: Blink
by: Malcolm Gladwell 2005
knowledge. It is understanding. We are
swimming in the former. We are
desperately lacking in the latter.
from: Blink
by: Malcolm Gladwell 2005

Somehow while I was laying flat out on the couch this week...feeling sorry for myself...I let a very important birthday slip by me!!
I messed up!!
And to me its a big mess-up at that.
One should know not to screw things up with a volatile teenager. (ALL teenagers are volatile arent they?!)
In the grand scope of things I do realize that I am but one inconsequential, tiny blip on this dear girls radar-but still...I feel bad that I slipped up!!
Lexy is a beautiful, smart and talented girl. We love her!!
Please forgive this aging, spacey lady this mess-up Lexy, and know how much you are loved and cherished by many!!
Happy Belated Birthday!!!
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