Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

“No grudge ever had a better nurse.”
“Since that fearful night, Dad had responded
with an almost impossible work of belief. . . .
He had laid up prayer as with a trowel. You
know this is true, and if you don’t it is I the
witness who am to blame.”
“Listening to Dad’s guitar, halting yet lovely
in the search for phrasing, I thought:
Fair is whatever God wants to do.”
from: Peace Like a River
by: Leif Enger what do I do or say....Peace Like a River or...The Whistling Season....??!!!
I cant and wont choose...
but here we have another most wonderful, delightful read!!!! Here it is only Feburary...and I have two most favorite books already!!!
Delightful, delovely, delicious!!!
What a story, and what a teller of tales!!

"Set in the Minnesota countryside and North Dakota Badlands of the early 1960s, Peace Like a River is a moving, engrossing, beautifully told story about one family's quest to retrieve its most wayward member. Reuben Land, the novel's asthmatic and self-effacing eleven-year-old narrator, recounts an unforgettable journey riddled with outlaw tales, heartfelt insights, and bona fide miracles. Born without air in his lungs, Reuben is keenly aware of the gift of breath—and, by extension, the gift of life. Time and again, both gifts are bestowed on Reuben by his father, a gentlemanly soul who works as a school janitor and has the power—and faith—to bestow true miracles.
Equal parts tragedy, romance, adventure yarn, and meditation, Peace Like a River is an inspired story of family love, religious faith, and the lifelong work and trust required of both. Leif Enger's first novel is a work of easy generosity and uncommon wisdom, a book to be shared with friends and loved ones."
Review from-readinggroupguides

“Here was the whole dizzying sky bowled up over us.
We were inside the sky. It didn’t make the stars any
closer, only clearer… Swede should’ve been there,
she’d have had words. She’d have know that orange
to be volcanic or forgestruck or a pinprick between
our blackened world and one the color of sunsets.
I thought of God making it all, picking up handfuls
of whatever material…rolling it in His fingers like
nubby wheat. The picture I had was of God taking
these rough pellets by the handful and casting
them gently, like a man planting.”

note: the last chapter has the most amazing description of this young boys view of heaven. Its insightful and stirring and one I cant wait to visit again. I can honestly say that there are few books that I would take the time to read again...mostly because there are so many books still left to be read....but this one will be read by me again, and again!!!

1 comment:

Judy said...

OOOOHHHH! Going to Amazon RIGHT NOW! I LOVED LOVED LOVED The Whistling Season! Keep up the great recommendations!