Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

Please Induldge some California Musings

"I've neither sand enough left in me glass,
nor poetry enough in me heart to tell you
what is welling in me full breast," the
captain said. " But I'll warrant its the
fortune on my life to have stood shoulder
to shoulder with you three these recent hours."
from: Nick of Time
by: Ted Bell

* Marriotts have nice mattresses
* No one should go more than 6 months before witnessing, breathing, strolling, gathering, pondering on an ocean beach.
* Who knows what tomorrow may bring...go to family in support, whenever you can

* 6 hours to a beach aint bad!!
* My Builder is the BOMB!!!
* California has winter!! Even So. California!! darn!
* California has more BMW's, Lexus's and Mercedes than anywhere else.
* Traffic sucks
* Brian is the BOMB!!
* Patriotism is a GOOD thing!!
* Grog...seems to be nasty!!
* There are many great men that are passionate about the pursuit of freedom in the world. Men and women who serve our country extremely well!!!
* I met an Admiral!! I had a real conversation with him, and feel so grateful for this great land and for the men and women that serve it so well.
* I'll try even harder not to take this for granted.
* Its humid!! a welcomed respite from our desert
* California has too many people, but with this comes a glorious selection of restaurants!
* Too many navigators in one car makes for a serious mess of stress

* Books on CD rock!! Where does the time go?!
* California trees are beautiful!! I'd forgotten

Farewell California...for now. We had a marvelous time!
**note- there are whole lot more pics of our time on the Naval Base with my brother and his 'team'. I have more work to do on that post...look for it soon!!


Kim said...

LoVe everything about this post!!! Thanks for sharing! You are darling. Bob IS the bomb. Brian is so dang tall! Joe is amazing! An Admiral?! Cool.

Sharon said...

What a wonderful trip! I love California, too, and hope to be there next summer! At least a part of it :)