Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon


“Who are we to tell Him what to do

and when to do it? Only yesterday you

told mother that the more astronomers

ponder and measure the stars, the larger

they become. You said that many of them

are larger than the sun. So how can

insignificant creatures like us, with our

tiny brains, understand what He is doing?”

from: Shosha

by: Isaac Bashens Singer

We had our first night in the hot tub (SIGH...winter has arrived)

And while basking in the warming water, I happened to spot a graceful, slow moving, arcing falling star over my Builder's left shoulder. (its been a long time since I've seen one of these!!)

My Builder and I were discussing matters of great importance at the time.

With a lump in my throat, I whispered....

“I wish...”

“I wish...”

“I wish...”

But wait!!!

I have no right to make demands or to try to call down favors from the Powers that be!!

My life is a charmed one.

It seems it always has been.

Its a life full of great blessings.

Blessing too innumberable to list.

I can NOT complain!!

So I want that star to know,

“I've changed my mind!”

I would like that star and it's Deliverer to understand...

I have great faith.

Faith in my Builder and in our future.

I have gratitude.

I even have a sense of wonder and awe and anticipation, wondering what might happen next!!

To me, a falling star can be more than an impetious for a wish.

I see them as a method of communication from a loving Father in Heaven.

A star can be yet another tender mercy, or a simple pleasure for me to acknowledge the watchful care I am given day in and day out.

Stars represent adventures and unfathomable possibilities.

Sometimes they might make us feel small and insignificant, but when Im feeling hopeful, I see them as witnesses that Heaven knows that I know we are in God's hands.

I find comfort in the stars-almost in the same way that I find such soothing comfort in the 102 degree waters of our hot tub!!

Ahhhhh...sweet blessing abound!!!


Jules said...

Thank you for this post...seems to be an ongoing message for me this Sabbath Day. I'm such a worry-wart! Thank you for your example!

Lisa said...

Well said, Cindy. I say, Amen.

Desert Cliffs Fitness Resort said...