Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
"Im in the Circle of Trust"
from: LOST
season 5

Times are tough!!
Boy dont I know it.
But I thought I'd throw this out to you anyway.
Maybe I can catch ya at a good moment, or during a generous ???, or philanthropic ????

Just know that Zion National Park is always looking for love, help and support. (who isnt right?)
The love is easy.
So easy.
Visit once and you'll be in love.

Help and support sometimes doesnt come as easily.
Now that I've been 'elected' to be on the ZNHA board for the Park-my eyes have been opened.
Zion Park needs help.
All national parks need help. The government cant fund them all at a level that is necessary to keep parks operating as they should. Not all needs can be met with the budget the government sets.
Thus most all national parks have an Association; formed to promote, educate and fund raise for their park.
So we have Z.N.H.A.





You can become a member!!
You can feel warm and fuzzy for doing so.
There are different levels of commitment.
There are varied 'perks' for doing so.
There are discounts at the store, on oline and for informative workshops.
There are pins and bags and books and the BEAUTIFUL publication of the Sojourn magazine!!

What will your money help to do you ask??
You know that lovely newspaper with a guide and map that you receive when you enter the park? We do that!!!
There's the Junior Ranger Program and the Field Institute. We do that too!!! Last year we renovated the pioneer home at the Grotto for an 'Artist in Residence' program. We help and support Pipe Springs and Cedar Breaks too!!! There's the satisfaction of helping out the Big Horn sheep herd in the Park for a small donation. And there's so much more!!!
If you're interested and want to learn more...please go here and see what else your valuable contribution can do!! Or go here and sign up!! You wont be sorry!!!
Tell 'em Cindy sent you!!!