Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon


It was no time for good men to
be lying about, after all. Not
with black retrievers to retrieve
and black-hearted Nazis and evil
pirates lurking about.
from:Nick of Time
by: Ted Bell

dont you just LOVE this cover!!!
Nike of Time
by Ted Bell

Believe it or not, wildly passionate Glenn Beck turned me on to this rollicking sea-fairing adventure !!!
Glenn is into hero worship;REAL hero worship, not cracked out sport figures or twisted politician worship.
This is a book written for the youth of the world. But I, a certified adult, was thoroughly swept away by its adventure too!! It's a page turner. There are pirates, high seas, time travel and sea fairing battles galore. There is a bit of history and evil Nazi's, submarines and frigates too; all weaved into a story of courage, integrity and honor!! We dont find this combination of good verses evil as readily as we used to.
I can hardly wait until the grandbaby boys (and girls) are old enough to have me read them this as we cuddle on the couch together!!
I think I'm now going to try a Ted Bell spy thriller- for grown-ups next!!
Go ahead and give Nick of Time a try!! Slipping back to childhood (young adulthood) isnt a bad thing!!! And its FUN!!!


Judy said...

Are you going to add it to your bookstore so I can order it through you? You get a kick back don't you?

cinhiker said...

Thanks dear friend. It is in my book store. Right there above my hiking blog link!!