Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

"L" is for Lagoon, Lakes and Look Who's Back!!!??

Its so easy to be wicked without
knowing it, isn't it?
from: Anne of Green Gables
by: Lucy Montgomery

Im certain its been at least 15 yrs since my Builder and I have taken the 'kiddies' to Lagoon. (shame, shame on us) But Im quite certain too, that we wouldnt have enjoyed it any more than we did last week!!! Lagoon didnt disappoint!! Bob and I were the designated 'adults' for the excursion. We were in good company though...the two of us and 6 very fine teenagers were in attendance. (By the way, 8 IS GREAT!! Even numbers are the perfect senerio for amusement park activities!!! It always came out even steven for every ride!!
Once again I'll let the photos do the 'talk'in.'

And though we had a throughly enjoyable time at the park...I think my Builder enjoyed the day at the lake even better!!
This was the day that I went to American Fork to visit Cuz Ann; everyone else headed to the water!!
More Good TImes!!!

Easy peesey for the Bri-dog!!
The Builder prefers the knees....but a 180 is easy peesey for him!!
Anna's FIRST TIME UP!! (not so easypeesey)

Upon arriving home in So. Utah we were happily anticipating the return of our dear friend Justus!! No work in Boise-and guaranteed work we got him back!!
Does this prove that if you grumble loud enough about an empty nest...a chickie will materialize???


Chelsea said...

Oh I'm so jealous!!! I love roller coasters! So glad you guys had such a great time. Way to go Anna on getting up for the first time! :)
And Justus being back is great! Now your house isn't ALL the way empty.

Lynley said...

sorry i missed the fun at Lagoon. it was on my "list" last summer. now i'll just have to go next summer. reason for me to stay around, eh?

i'm also missing Justus and our "deep" conversations. tell him i said HI!
