Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

Once a Hippy, Always a Hippy

Some of my family mock me when I scavenge my household garbage's looking for AWOL plastic, glass or metal that could be recycled. Every other day or so I visit our new, convenient recycle bins at the park down the road and unload what I've collected from our home. I do this because I can and because I really do care about this glorious planet we have been given to take care of and enjoy. I will do my part to help it stay as glorious for my grandkids as I feel it is. It's easy. There is no real inconvenience to sorting-which I really dont do, cause I dont keep it around long enough to have it become unmanageable. I have a box for paper in a bottom drawer in the kitchen and I hang one of those annoying plastic bags that we all get at the grocery store, from a knob of a cabinet, and when its full, I take it to the bin, on my way to or from work. Mock me all you want wont stop me from trying to make a difference.
Read on to learn what garbage mak'in beasts we have all become!! Maybe you could change your mind too??!

-- the average person in the United States produces about 6.5 pounds of trash every day?
-- at the rate Americans are generating garbage, 500 new landfills will be needed every year?
-- in 1991, the Great Wall of China became the second largest man-made structure in the world? The largest is the Fresh Kills Landfill serving New York City. It is now the highest point on the east coast.
-- one third of the paper mills in the United States use recycled waste paper exclusively?
-- every three months, Americans throw away enough aluminum to rebuild the nation's commercial air fleet?
-- if you throw away two aluminum cans, you waste more energy than is used daily by each of a billion citizens in poorer countries?
-- the energy saved from one recycled aluminum can will operate a television for three hours?
-- it takes 95% less energy to make aluminum from recycled scrap than from virgin materials?
-- making new paper from recycled paper requires 30-50% less energy than making paper from trees and it reduces contributions to air pollution by 95%?
-- every ton of recycled office paper saves approximately 380 gallons of oil?
-- if Americans recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers we would save 25 million trees a year?
-- the energy saved from recycling one glass bottle will light a 100-watt light bulb for four hours?
--Every year, we make enough plastic film to shrink wrap Texas.

How long it takes the following to degrade?
A banana peel? 3-4 weeks
A paper bag? 1 month
A cotton rag? 5 months
A piece of wood? 10-15 years
A leather shoe? 40-50 years
A tin can? 80-100 years
An aluminum can? 200-500 years
Disposable diapers? 500-600 years
A plastic jug? 1 million years
P.S. Did you know that Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour?!
Glass bottle? unknown
Styrofoam, like a "clam shell" sandwich container? It will last forever!
I hate cutting down a tree in my own yard!! Anything I can do to 'save a tree' for my grandkids...why not!!?? Im happy to do my part.
image from flickr


Pam Hill said...

I'm with you Cindy. I recycle religiously and am glad to hear that Zion is finally getting with it a bit. Here in Canada, they pick up our recycle bins once a week from the curb at the end of the drive. Makes it easy to do for which I am grateful.

Trask Tribe said...

Oh my goodness;that list of how long it takes to degrade... I had no idea! Crazy stuff.

Judy said...

For a short but interesting article on "Is Recycling Worth It?" go here:
(p.s. I'm the impetus behind it here too - but I'm not an advocate because we are running out of space to put it.... and that banana peel should go under your roses anyway)

Chelsea said...

We need to start recycling too!
Hey, where's your music??????

Jim Trudeau said...

Hippies have good ideas every once in awhile :) This post really made me smile:) Here's a little song for you, from Ben Harper:

I can change the world
With my own two hands
Make a better place
With my own two hands
Make a kinder place
Oh- with my
Oh- with my own two hands
With my own
Oh- with my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands

I can make peace on earth
With my own two hands
And I can clean up the earth
Oh- with my own two hands
And I can reach out to you
Oh- with my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands
Oh- with my own
Oh- with my own two hands

I'm gonna make it a brighter place
(with my own)
I'm gonna make it a safer place
(with my own)
I'm gonna help the human race
(with my own)
(with my own two hands)

Now I can hold you
With my own two hands
And I can comfort you
With my own two hands
But you got to use
Use your own two hands
Use your own
Use your own two hands

Sunshine Daydreams and Peace, Jim