Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon


"There is no religion without love,
and people may talk as much as they
like about their religion, but if it
does not teach them to be good and
kind to man and beast it is all a shame..."
from: Black Beauty
by: Anna Sewell


When I write that, what are some of the first things that come to mind?

Is it chocolate?
Is it Paris?
Is it Rome?
Is it Faith?
Is it nylon stockings?
Is it computers, cell phones, or microwaves?
Is it Pepsi?
Is it Beethoven's 5th symphony?
Is it human creativity?

What came to your mind when I threw that question to the cosmos?

The reason Im asking is because my Builder and I went to see a movie last night.
I will FOREVER changed by the story that was so compellingly told.
Its not often that a movie will cause us to delve into the meaning of life....
What did we take away from this cinematographic wonder?
For me it was this:
If we can accomplish but one thing while we walk this planet....hundreds of other things will become right with our corner of the world right along with it!!


It takes just ONe thing.
It takes just one GREAT thing.

If we can LOVE- then we cant but help to fulfil all other laws and commandments. Love fulfils all laws regarding God. And human nature, and common decency as well.
I know, I know, I being simple minded once again.
But isnt there a scripture somewhere about the easiness of the way becoming our biggest stumbling block??? And, I realize it isnt EASY to love everyone. What about prickly people, and gossips, and dictators and murders...... (it gets a bit dicey here....)
But Im coming to realize that the Beatles may have had it right all those years ago...."all you need is love...." la la la la la
All the ails of the society and the world would/could become almost nonexistent, if we could learn to love perfectly.

If we love- we HELP
If we love- we dont bear false witness.
If we love- we honor and obey.
etc, etc, etc...

Wasnt it the apostle Paul that said something about having enough faith to move mountains, but if we lack love, we are nothing?
Isnt it also Paul who compared Faith, Hope and Love and then declared that "the greatest of these is LOVE."

Its interesting; God wasnt mentioned once in this movie. But I felt His presence in each of the characters lives. I was touched, and moved beyond description by this drama. My Builder and I watched this movie through 'our' lens. The lens of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It made all the difference. (Just as Ben, in the movie, was doing his best to make a difference)
Thank heavens I know a loving Heavenly Fathers arms are open and await those who pass on, sometimes so suddenly, and unexpectedly and sometimes violently into the next life. We can be filled with terrible sadness, but at the same time, feel great hope and love too!!

Above all things, have fervent love.
Will Smith ROCKS!! just hand him the Oscar NOW!!
I will be more careful!!
(Whew-I believe I pulled that whole post off without including a spoiler for the movie! Seven Pounds)

1 comment:

Sharon Mae said...

All I can say is AMEN! Thanks for putting it so completely. Go Will!!