Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
Sometimes he thought sadly to himself,
"Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?"
and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?"
-and sometimes he didnt quite know what he
was thinking about.
from: Winnie the Pooh
by: A.A. Milne

Can anyone else hear the rumblings?
Does anyone else feel a latent seed swelling, preparing to burst?
Something seems about to change.
Something's been germinating without my noticing or paying much attention.
I havent a clue what it is.
It could just be paranoia or it could be intuition....
I have no specifics, just the feeling that there's change ahead.
*Maybe its all about Anna returning home to us.
*Maybe its about our new President.
*Maybe its due to the new season of LOST which will soon be aired.
*Maybe it just about feeling Spring in the air.
*Or, it could be the woes of the economy messing with my head.

I havent a clue about what's developing-but I feel sure there is something new on the horizon.
Does anyone else feel it?


Anonymous said...

YES! And, it's very unsettling. Tumultuous is the word going through my head. I can't put my finger on it either but I long for the days when all seemed well. -Kim

Lynley said...

I totally concur. I think, in my case, it has to do with the complete disarray of people-movement in my life. So many people with whom I'm finally comfy all turning about and moving off without me. It leaves me thinking, "What's the matter with here?" And the more I wonder that, the more I want to creep off, too.

However, there is an incredible tie that I have to this place in southern UT and I honestly can't place my finger on that either. Can YOU help?