Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon


Where much is given, much is expected.
Obama gave a wonderful speech.
May we rally and continue to pray for our leaders and citizens.
It truly is not a time to crawl under a rock and hide.
Change is often a good thing.
Make a difference.


Leanne said...

you are right thanks for that!

ChristyLou said...

Amen to that! We've got to support our leaders and try to be more unified in this country. And boy are they gonna need our prayers!

Pam Hill said...

It was a good speech, wasn't it? I watched the whole thing and came away feeling like we had a good man in charge. I hope that is really true, and we will definitely pray for them all.

Lisa said...

I came away from the day believing that as long as our country's leaders continue to begin and end such important ceremonies and events (ie. the Senate lunch) with PRAYER, God will bless America. Yes, it was a good day...