Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
if wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets!
from: Dune
by: Frank Herbert

Guess who does boys WELL!?!  Guess who's going to have another dear baby  boy in February!? 
That would be my beautiful daughter-in-law and my son Joe!!  Unlike Anna, they were REALLY hoping for a girl...but the ultra-sound found something different tucked away and growing nicely in her womb! 
It may still smart a little...but soon the knowledge that boys are great and easier... and there is undoubtedly a promise of a sweet girl later...will settle in and take hold and we will then shout our gratitude that another boy is joining the family!  And yes...I am looking forward to subjecting Natalie to my fun Facebook name game!!  Its a kick that all my 'research' into boy names will enjoy double duty!
I also want Natalie to know how very much I love her and how much I admire her and her innate parenting skills.  She and her darling boys and hubby are the light of our lives; they are such a blessing to My Builder and I!  
Chin up Logan....your parents are working on a basketball team!!!


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