Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon


A fine landscape is like a piece of music;
it must be taken at the right tempo.
- Paul Scott Mowrer

artsy fartsy Cheryl

Desert Cliffs is enjoying the company of some of our very favorite guests...we love it when they return to us!! They are adventurous souls...and so we get to mix things up a bit when they are here.  The idea of the Grand Canyon came up and we all jumped on it like a piece of meat among jackals!!
We started our "grand" hike at 9:30 am- and it was 47 degrees outside!! BURRRRrrrr!!!
We chose to take on the Kiabab trail down to the Roaring Springs fork.  5.5 miles down...a serious downhill pound.  We hooted and hollered with joy and awe in being where we were!!  The climate was PERFECT!!
Cool cover...and even an occasional breeze to air out the sweaty armpits!!  We had cloudy skies, and some moments of blue swiped with white cumulus clouds...then dark storm clouds rolled in and rumbled in the distance as we made our way up for the SERIOUS climb.... 5.5 miles.  Will I reveal too much about myself  if I confess that this may have been the hardest uphill I've ever done!? But it was the GRAND CANYON!!!  But..after having said that...Im proud to say that we were all quite pleased at the pace we kept going up!  We did GOOD!!
We live in Paradise here in So. Utah.  Wonders never cease...they are everywhere! 

1 comment:

Pam Hill said...

You mean you went down and up again on the same day??? Wow. Gorgeous pictures.