Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
The sky arched up forever, nothing but a sheet of blue,
hiding zillions of stars and planets and galaxies- that were
up there all the time, even when you couldnt see them. It
was kind of peaceful and so gigantic it made your brain
feel rested.  It made you feel like you could become anything
 you wanted, like you were filled up with nothing but hope.
from: The Higher Power of Lucky
by: Susan Patron

I think we may have to bid farewell to the Kanarraville hike for the season. (can you hear sobbing in the back-ground?....that would be me..grieving for the loss of summer.) It felt obvious today as our piggies became numb due to COLD water.  Today was reminiscent of our early spring hiking in these regions, with the winter snows thawing and rushing down the canyon.  Today we had feet that felt like stumps because they were so cold...makes for uncoordinated walking. OW!
Second clue:
The squirrels are busily squirreling away acorns...ripe ones were everywhere...dropping from the trees, ready to be this winters' nourishment for the critters to tough out the cold temps.
I pocketed a few beautiful  crimson leaves. The trees are more than just thinking about changing...they have begun!!!

Summer seemed short this year. 

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