Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
Ruth believes that boys are not found around stables
because what they like is taking things apart and
putting them together again, and for this purpose
horses are not so satisfactory as cars, motorcycles,
and even bicycles, while girls adore horses because
they are biological and have functions.
from: All the Little Live Things.
by: Wallace Stegner

If you havent already heard...MY DAUGHTER IS HAVING A BOY!!!
She and David had their ultra-sound appointment this week...(one of the reasons we are up here in the northern regions.)  And how grateful we are that we were included on the guest list for those attending the unveiling of the gender!!!  Truly they made this event a family affair!!!  How lovely it was that Anna and David opened their sweet and sacred experience to a few of those that they love.

My Builder and I
brother Clark
cousin Stephanie
friend Lauren
sister-in-law Mary
and daughter Lucie

The modern marvels of this day and age will never cease to amaze me!! With a little warm goo on the belly bump and a flick of a switch, the HD tv screen on the wall flashes on and music begins to wash around the darkened room and there, right before our eyes appears a tiny, perfectly formed spine and rib cage for all to see. Next we see the tiny 4 chambered heart beating robustly on.  Then we behold the perfectly shaped profile, with nose and lips and chin.  But  main reason for such an up close and personal view of this little one eluded us for some time...for the umbilical cord was wrapped and wound around its little that no "plumbing" could be seen.  So we waited...and Anna laid on her side for a few moments to see if the wee one would untangle itself enough to get a good look.  The waiting wasnt boring though...for the tech took the time to show us more of the little one...we saw amazing images of  its stretched out arms with the ity-bity bones and 10 perfectly formed fingers.  And we enjoyed watching the baby do a flip from one side to the other. We saw a stretched out leg with a perfect femur...and perfect toes...we're convinced this baby will be a LONG one!!

Our tears were flowing freely at this point, for of course it really didnt matter one bit whether this shadowy image of the baby was a boy or a girl, for we could see with our own eyes that it is healthy and well formed.
The added moments on Annas side did indeed help the skillful tech to determine what this cute little belly bump would she pointed out the evidence of a BOY!
David is going to have a name sake to carry on the proud and good family name.

Anna had prepared herself to have  and love a daughter....but oh how joyful she is to learn that her hearts desire was fulfilled in learning that she is to have a son first!
OUr hearts are full of gratitude and thanksgiving for yet another glorious blessing in all of our lives!!

A boy...a boy with no name...yet.
But thats half the fun...searching for names...and shopping for boy things!!!

PS- THere is now a darling boy name in the works....but I'll have to wait for Anna to unveil the name first, before I can let the cat out of the bag. You're gonna love it!!

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