Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

Christians have often disputed as to whether what leads
the Christian home is good actions, or Faith in Christ.
. I have no right really to speak on such a difficult
question, but it does seem to me like asking which
blade in a pair of scissors is most necessary.

"C. S. LEWIS (1898–1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the 20th century and arguably the most influential Christian writer of his day. His major contributions in literary criticism, children's literature, fantasy literature, and popular theology brought him international renown and acclaim. He wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. His most distinguished and popular accomplishments include The Chronicles of Narnia, Out of the Silent Planet, The Four Loves, The Screwtape Letters, andMere Christianity." via

What is your favorite C.S. Lewis book? I have a few- my favorite being THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS! I remember reading it in high school and it rockin my world!! I wondered if the devil really could think that way??!! And of course I read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was even younger than that!
The best of all that I've read by the birthday boy... Mere Christanity!! What a mind!! What insight!!
Happy Birthday Clive Staples Lewis!!!
We're grateful that you graced our planet and shared you wealth of knowledge and insight!
We are better for it!!!


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