Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
We are of the opinion that instead of letting books grow
 moldy behind an iron grating; far from the vulgar gaze,
 it is better to let them wear out by being used.
 Jules Verne

Eclectic reading lately.
1st- Nonsense that made great sense.
2nd-In the spirit of Halloween, a classic...that I somehow missed reading years ago
3rd- LDS philosopher (a rare breed) wherein I needed a dictionary but my gray matter was thrilled!
 4th- A mystery with heart and wit. ( a book club selection)
P.S.- someday I WILL dress up as Jack Sparrow!!! (what is it about pirates!!??)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Cindy, I love the "Beekeeper..." books by Laurie R. King. I just read the latest and each one is as fascinating as the last. And yes, I have a thing for Jack Sparrow, too!