Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

"I am fifty, and have only now figured out why you are supposed
to have babies when you are young; so that by the time your
child is in his teens, one of you is stable some of the time,
and you the mother are not racked with Backpain and Alzheimer's.
My son has grown tall and muscular. I have grown wider, stiff,
and achy. I trip a lot and hit my head on cabinets I forgot
were there. I get into the shower with my glasses on. And whereas
I always had a slim waist, I suddenly have 2 stomachs- a regular
tummy and another one below that, which I call the sub-continent.
This older body is both amazingly healthy and a big disappointment."
from: Plan B
from: Anne Lamott

Mimi was kept on her toes this week.  The first half of the week I single-handily enjoyed the company of Logan and Liam.  There were crumbs on my floor and PP&J in the grout at the bar, Nickleodeon was on speed dial on the tv, and I've been hav'in fun!!!  All the while baby Beckham was getting stronger at the hospital and their mommy was trying to get her feet back under her worrying about Beckham and wishing her mom would hurry and get here to help and comfort.  And Joe was playing master juggler...with work, a baby in the NICU, and 2 active boys to help keep happy.  I am so grateful that I could help in some small way.  
What I know:
*Baby Beckham is stronger every day...which means hes closer to coming home.
*I havent unpacked...because every phone call with Anna's name glowing on the phone screen could mean Im back in the car heading north for another blessed arrival of another beautiful boy.
*When My Builder arrives home...he's the go-to Popa for all the babies!!  Oh how they love their Popa!!
* I am so very, very blessed and lucky!!
* The modern marvels of modern medicine will never cease to amaze.

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