Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon

Last Week in Review....

I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,
Grow apple trees, and honeybees, and snow-white turtle doves.
I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,
I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.
-Coke ad 1977

Lachlan and Lois making perfect traveling companions.
Lois making improvements after scaring us with unsuspected heart issues!!
Lisa begins her battle once again with  Melanoma. There is no such thing as too many prayers!!

Brothers reunited, 90th birthday party, and family reunions!!

(some beautiful random it!!)

Two books read in 2 weeks.
Best Vietnamese Pho ever!
Hot Flashes intensifying...sheesh!!!
Alfalfa can have TOO MUCH protein
Kids that are good, loving, and attentive...we are blessed.
 Daniel was ordained a priest...with excellent examples surrounding him!!

 Stephenson Family Picture...missing Mark terribly!!!

Stephanie's birthday!!  Did I already say..."cousins are awesome!!"

Lucie's company for a few day!!! Lucky us!!!

Baby Boy Benjamin Clark Sherwood...expanding his nest nicely!!

Beautiful Temple Square..with its 180 sister missionaries from around the world many gorgeous zinneas as they have Christmas lights during the holidays!!!

Missed my chance at Havasupi...dang you monsoon season!!! What a waste of a full moon!!!
Toenails and fingernails warn out from hanging on by them for dear much longer Lord??

(i believe this dress makes me look fat!!!) 
Windows open at night...blankets to the chin.
Clarks mullet at BYU...go Spark!!!
Sweet corn...with a side of butter, salt and pepper...perfect meal!!!
Peaches...on homemade icecream, Total cereal, whole and juciy, in sorbet with mint or hot sauce, in salsa!! The best!!!
BYU football....close but no cigar!! (dont I remember there being anything but static on the airwaves between Nephi and Cedar City...we listened to the game the whole way home!! Yeah!!)

Cousins...nieces and nephews....AMAZING Folk!!!

Who knew it took tongue to play the WI?!

Visitors to the Mill are always welcome and strongly encouraged!!  
"Babies" going to BYU Idaho!!! How does it happen!!!???

Stopping in Fillmore on the way home and listening to the wind whip through the weather-stripping of the car and watching it bend the trees... KNOWING and feeling winter in the air.  Its threatening...and I cant win!!!
Guests to hike with for the next 3 weeks!
Zoey's priceless hugs.
Northern Utah is beautiful...Southern Utah is bliss and home!!! I LOVE my red rocks and ancient volcanic action, the blue sage and endless blue skies. Im just plain happier when its 80 degrees or hotter outside!!!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Benjamin Clark Sherwood...just love it! But wow mom...that picture is horrible. Remember how I almost passed out like 3 min after that pic was taken?!! Fun times!