Stephenson Family Ties The Barn Burnt Down
And Now I See The Moon
"If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain.
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain."
-Emily Dickinson

Dear Salt Lake Families,
ie-Ehlerts and Stephensons
Its time once again for another heart felt thank you!!  My oh my do you folks know how to throw a party!...AND, how to grow a garden that would shame Adam and Eve!!  You share your home and your bounteous gardens  with such generosity and blessings.  You  make all those who come to visit  feel welcome and comfortable.  I just knew it was going to be a great holiday when Kelly had me belly up to the garden with a stool so that I could be comfortable while I picked cherry tomatoes to my hearts content...and this was even before we unloaded the car!!! How do things get any better than that!!??
Thank you all, for treating my kids as your kids and loving my beautiful grandbabies as if they were your own! Thank you for giving up beds and personal space.  Thank you for your prayers for our loved ones. Your hospitality and good graces will never go unnoticed or unappreciated!  You are the rock stars of entertaining and in knowing how, who and when to pull out all the stops!!  Thank you for including us in your good times!  How grateful I am to be numbered among the Stephensons.  May I someday learn to celebrate as you loved ones do!!
All my love and gratitude to you!!


Jared + Carly Reid said...

i love our family!

Sharon said...

Amen to all the above! It was a great weekend being together. Thank you for expressing it so well. And I know the Stephensons feel the exact same way about you, who have housed and fed and entertained us many times in your home!!